We have created a new Facebook page! Follow us at https://www.facebook.com/stjohnsnewberlinil. Our broadcasts can be seen there, on YouTube, or on sermon.net. Visit the "Live Worship" tab for more information.
Since 1870 St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church of New Berlin, Illinois, has been privileged to have the Word of God preached in all its purity and the Sacraments administered in its midst according to Christ’s Institution. No greater blessing could our Lord Jesus Christ bestow on us as his saints in a world of sin and confusion. We surely have every reason to thank and praise our Lord for all the goodness and mercy he has shown us for 154 years.
When one enters the door of St. John’s, whether young or old or great or small, we confess that they are encountering the one and only true God who is three distinct persons yet one God (Triune). This participation in the divine is possible through the incarnate God Jesus (the second person of the trinity) who redeems mankind through his death and resurrection. By this work he makes mankind righteous before God. It is for this reason we are thankful to Jesus. It is why we bless His holy Name. We encourage you to join us as our Lord Jesus saves us by his grace and strengthens us in faith to be his disciples in a world separated from its creator.
Please check out our worship and bible class times under the Church info tab. We look forward to seeing you!